Cacao & Peppermint Cream

Cacao & Peppermint Cream


¾ cup water (boiling)

⅓ cup milk (of choice)

1 oz Cacao Nib Shrub

2 tsp. brown sugar

1 tsp. black loose leaf tea

1 tsp. peppermint loose leaf tea


  1. Combine sugar, peppermint tea, black tea, and shrub in the bottom of a french press. 
  2. Pour over ¾ cup of boiling water and let steep for 5 minutes.
  3. Warm milk on medium-low heat until small bubbles form on the surface; remove from heat. 
  4. After steep, press to strain solids, then pour tea into a mug.
  5. Pour frothed milk on top and garnish with a sprig of mint. 
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